Travel Grant

Travel Grant for Young Investigator

アジアの若手研者で応募一般演題の中から優秀な発表者にTravel grant を授与することとした(2001年2月).

  1. 名 称: JSSMN Travel Grant for Young Investigator
  2. 対 象: 40歳未満のアジアの外科代謝栄養の仕事に興味を持つ医師
  3. 発表は英語で行う
  4. 一般演題として採用する(口演時間は10分程度とする)
  5. 費 用:
    a) 渡航費として最高10万円(学会負担)
    b) 学会参加費および学会期間中の宿泊費は会長負担とする.
  6. 選考方法:会長に一任する.


Application for Travel Grant for Young Investigator

The Japanese Society for Surgical Metabolism and Nutrition encourages young investigators from abroad to submit original papers in all clinical and basic research fields of surgical metabolism and nutrition for oral presentation in the 41st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Surgical Metabolism and Nutrition.

  1. Applicants must be either a young surgeon or a surgical trainee less than 36 years old in asian countries except Japan.
  2. Japanese nationals residing abroad are not eligible for this grant.
  3. The official languages of the Congress are Japanese and English.
  4. No interpretation facilities will be available at the Congress.
  5. The maximum grant from the Japanese Society for Surgical Metabolism and Nutrition is 100,000 Japanese yen, and accommodation fee during the congress and registration fee will be also covered by the chairperson of the congress.
  6. It is the applicant's responsibility to obtain the necessary visa for entering Japan.

Guideline for Abstract Submission

Please submit abstracts to the congress secretariat ( by E-mail by March 31, 2004.
Every applicant has to mail the abstract form to the congress secretariat.
The abstract form must reach us within 14 days after E-mail submission.

  1. Abstracts must be submitted in English.
  2. Abstracts must be accompanied by:
    1) Full name of the presenting author
    2) E-mail address of corresponding author (All correspondence will be sent via E-mail.)
    3) Institution
    4) Mailing address including city and country
    5) Phone number
    6) Fax number
  3. If there are multiple authors when an abstract is accepted, the first author listed must present the paper at the congress.
  4. All abstracts must maintain strict adherence to word count (no more than 300 words).
    Organize the body as follows:
    a) Purpose b) Methods c) Results and d) Conclusion
  5. If your paper is accepted by the program committee, you will be requested to present it at the 41st Annual Meting of the Japanese Society for Surgical Metabolism and Nutrition. Abstract will be opened in the Japanese Journal of Surgical Metabolism and Nutrition.
  6. If you do not receive any E-mail message from the congress secretariat within one week, please contact th congress secretariat to confirm whether the submission is complete or not.