5. tissue factor

 組織因子(tissue factor:TF)は、295のアミノ酸からなる47kDの糖タンパクで、TNF、IL-1、急性相蛋白、トロンビン、エンドトキシンなどのメディエーターや脳、肺、胎盤などTFを多く含む組織損傷(局所的要因)により、全身の血管内皮細胞や単球の表面に発現が誘導される。TFはF.VIIと結合しF.VIIを活性化することで生理的な外因系凝固の起点に関与する。また、F.VIIaはF.IXおよびF.Xの活性化速度を高める。TFは、少量の出血でも致命的になる可能性の高い臓器、すなわち、脳、肺、胎盤に多く分布している。TF pathway inhibitor(TFPI)は、K1ドメインでTF/F.VIIa‐complexと結合し、さらにK2ドメインでF.Xaと結合し、後者の複合体が前者と結合し、外因系凝固経路の起点を阻害する。TFは循環血と接触しない細胞の表面、すなわち、血管外膜、臓器被膜などに構造的に発現していて、最近、細胞内シグナリング、腫瘍細胞の転移、血管新生との関連が明らかとなっているが、その機能は未だ不明な部分が多い1)。血中TFはDIC(厚生省診断基準)発症の3日前から高値を示すことより、DICの早期診断に有用である2)。また、DICの発症予測のみならず、septic shockの重症度判定にも有用とされる 3)。TFPIはDICの発症防御に薬理学的効果が期待される一方、TFPI‐Xa complexの測定もDICの早期診断に有用とされる。凝固カスケードの抑制がセプシスの予後を改善させる可能性が指摘され、世界的にDICの抑制が再注目されている。DICの国際的診断基準はわが国の厚生省調査研究班の基準が採用されようとしている。

文 献

  • Osterud B:Tissue factor:a complex role.Thromb Haemost 78:755-8,1997
  • 田村実万里,和田英夫:組織因子凝固とDIC.臨床血液,40:369-72,1999
  • Cate HT,Timmerman JJ,LeviM:The pathophysiology of disseminated intravascular coagulation.Thromb Haemost 82;713-7,1999


1)食道癌手術侵襲による血液凝固線溶動態と可溶性Tissue factorの変動に関する検討

 食道癌切除20例を対象として、術後の可溶性Tissue factor(TF)、Tissue factor pathway inhibitor(TFPI)と凝固線溶動態を検討した。



2)Systemic activation of tissue‐factor dependent coagulation pathway in evolving acute respiratory distress syndrome in patients with trauma and sepsisl.

 BACKGROUND:Extravascular coagulation and fibrin deposition coupled with perturbations of intravascular coagulation occurs in association with acute respiratory distress syndrome(ARDS).To evaluate the pathogenetic role of an extrinsic coagulation pathway in the intravascular coagulation of ARDS patients and to explore the time course of the changes of tissue factor levels,platelet counts,and disseminated intravascular coagulation(DIC),we performed a prospective cohort study.METHODS:The study subjects consisted of 113patients:27 patients with ARDS,31 patients at risk for but not developing the syndrome,and 55 patients without ARDS.According to the mderlying disease,the patients were further subdivided into two groups:patients with trauma(n=76)and patients with sepsis(n=37).Ten normal healthy volunteers served as control subjects.Plasma tissue factor antigen(tissue factor)levels and platelet comts were measured on the day of admission and on days 1 through 4 after admission.Simultaneously,the DIC scores were determined.RESULTS:The values of tissue factor in the patients with ARDS were significantly more elevated than those measured in the other two groups(p<0.001)and control subjects(p<0.001)on the day of admission.The values continued to be markedly high up to day4of admission.On the day of admission,the platelet counts in the ARDS patients showed significantly lower values(p<0.05)than those in the other two groups.The incidence of DIC and the DIC scores in ARDS patients were significantly higher than those in the other two groups.The tissue factor levels(r(s)=0.428,p<0.0001)and DIC scores(r(s)=0.357,p<0.0002)correlated significantly with Lung Injury Score.When the patients were subdivided into two subgroups,i.e.,trauma and sepsis,some differences of the tissue factor levels were noted between the two groups.CONCLUSION:We demonstrated that tissue‐factor dependent coagulation pathway of plasma is extensively activated in patients with ARDS,followed by intravascular coagulation and platelet consumption.We further provide precise information on the time course of tissue factor levels and DIC in patients with ARDS and those at risk for developing this syndrome.

Gando S.Nanzaki S.Morimoto Y.Kobayashi S.Kemmotsu O:Joumal of Trauma‐Injury Infection & Critical Care.47(4):719-23,1999

3)Changes in plasma tissue factor pathway inhibitor levels during the clinical course of disseminated intravascular coagulation.

 In healthy volunteers,the plasma total tissue factor pathway inhibitor(TFPI)level was 68.7+/-14.1ng/ml;the plasma free TFPI level,17.7+/-5.4ng/ml;the lipoprotein‐associated TFPI (LP‐TFPI),51.1+/-12.0ng/ml;the free TFPI/total TFPI ratio 0.26+/-0.07;and the plasma tissue factor levels were 149+/-46pg/ml.Plasma tissue factor levels in patients with disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) were significantly higher than those in pre‐DIC patients or in non‐DIC patients.Plasma total‐TFPI,free‐TFPI and LP‐TFPI levels were significantly higher in DIC patients than those in pre‐DIC patients or in non‐DIC patients.Before the onset of DIC,the plasma levels of tissue factor gradually increased,and 3 days before the onset of DIC they were significantly higher than those in non‐DIC patients.The plasma levels of tissue factor reached their highest level 1 day before the onset of DIC and gradually decreased after the onset of DIC.Plasma levels of total‐TFPI,free‐TFPI,and LP‐TFPI gradually increased before the onset of DIC,and the total‐TFPI and LP‐TFPI reached their highest levels at the onset of DIC.Plasma free‐TFPI reached highest level one day after the onset of DIC.During the clinical course of DIC,the plasma level of tissue factor was the first to increase, then that of LP‐TFPI and finally the free‐TFPI plasma levels.These differences in the peak plasma levels of tissue factor,free‐TFPI,and LP‐TFPI might be related to the clinical course of DIC.

Yamamuro M.Wada H.Kumeda K.Inoue A.Tsuji I.Nakasaki T.Shimura M.Hiyoyama K.Gabazza EC.Nishikawa M.Deguchi K.Shiku H.Kato H:Blood Coagulation & Fibrinolysis,9(6):491-7,1998

関 連 用 語

英文表記 略語 和文表記 定 義 ・ 備 考
disseminated intravascular
DIC 播種性血管内
primary fibrinolysis   一次線溶 プラスミノゲンアクチベーター(PA)の活性化により線維素原溶解(fibrinogenolysis)が進行する状態。
secondary fibrinolysis   二次線溶 形成されたプラスミンがα2PI、α2Mを凌駕すると、線維素溶解(fibrinolysis)または血栓溶解(thrombolysis)が進行する。
thrombin   トロンビン 血漿中に含まれるセリン酵素プロトロンビンが、プロトロンビナーセ複合体(Xa Ca2 ・Va・リン脂質)により活性化されてトロンビンとなり、血液凝固カスケードの最終段階であるフィブリノーゲン-フィブリン変換を行うほか、血液凝固反応の制御、血小板凝集反応などに関与する。
fibrin   フィブリン 巨大糖蛋白のフィブリノーゲン(Aα‐Bβ‐γ)2はトロンビンによりAα鎖およびBβ鎖が開裂され、フィブリン(α‐β‐γ)2に転じ重合される。また、XIIIaにより各鎖が架橋され強固な結合となる。
plasmin プラスミン酸素原であるプラスミノゲンがプラスミノーゲンアクチベーターにより活性化されるとトリプシンと類似したプラスミンを生成する。プラスミンは、即時的にフィブリン・凝固因子V、VIII因子、フィブリノーゲンを分解し、さらにプロコラゲナーゼを活性化し血管内皮細胞も傷害する。
文責 青 木 克 憲